Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Aerodinamika dan Ilmu Penerbangan

Aerodinamika (ilmu gaya gerak) berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu air = udara dan dynamic = gaya gerak. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa aerodinamika adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari tentang bergeraknya suatu benda di dalam udara. Ilmu gaya udara merupakan lanjutan dari ilmu yang lebih tua yaitu ilmu gaya gerak air atau hidrodinamika dan ilmu gaya gerak udara ini erat hubungannya dengan beberapa ilmu yang lainnya yaitu ilmu alam (fisika), ilmu pasti (matematika), ilmu gaya (mekanika), dan ilmu cuaca (meteorogia) yang memberikan keterangan- keterangan azasi tentang udara yang diam khususnya tentang perubahan- perubahan yang dialami udara jika ketinggian bertambah. Pada tahun 1810 Sir George Canley berpendapat bahwa udara dipaksa meniup berlawanan dengan arah gerak dari sayap dalam udara atau fluida tersebut. Kemudian pada tahun 1871 Pranoim Wenham merencanakan airfoil yang melengkung seperti bentuk dari sayap burung. Juga pada tahun ini Wenham yang pertama-tama membuat terowongan angina yang digerakkan dengan tenaga uap. Penyelidikan airfoil ini dilanjutkan oleh Wreight bersaudara dengan mengadakan percobaan-percobaan kurang lebih 150 buah air foil disamping melengkapi alat-alat kemudi untuk mengemudikan pesawat yang sedang terbang.dalam penyelidikan Iaanc Newton telah menemukan gaya-gaya udara yang melalui benda yang bergerak yaitu gaya angkat (lift dan hambatan/drag). Pada tahun 1902-1907 N Wilhelm Kutti (jerman), N.E. Janhowaki (rusia), Frederiek W. Launohoster (Inggris) menemukan teori bagaimana terjadinya gaya angkat (lift) pada airfoil. Dengan penemuan-penemuan pada tahun-tahun di atas jelaslah bahwa aerodinamika merupakan ilmu yang masih baru, dan bukanlah suatu pengetahuan yang abstrak seperti ilmu pasti dan mekanik karena hingga kini penyelidikan-penyelidikan masih terus dilakukan. Aerodinamika sebenarnya tidak lain dari pada suatu yang mempelajari atau menyelidiki sifat-sifat udara,reaksi-reaksi dan akibat-akibat yang timbul dari gerakan udara terhadap benda yang dilalui oleh udara atau gerakan benda-benda di dalam udara tersebut. Jadi aerodinamika berarti pula pengetahuan atau penyelidikan mengenai gerakan-gerakan benda di dalam udara dimana pengertian ini sangat erat hubungannya denganilmu penerbangan.
Adapun factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Aerodinamika: Temperature (suhu udara) Tekanan udara Kecepatan udara Kerapatan / kepadatan udara Untuk mempelajari ilmu aerodinamika, ada beberapa hukum diantaramya Hukum Newton Hukum Newton I Mengatakan bahwa benda yang diam akan tetap diam sedangkan benda yang bergerak akan tetap bergerak dalam garis lurus dan kecepatan yang tetapkecuali suatu sebab dari luar yaitu gaya yang memaksanya merubah keadaan tersebut Hukum Newton II Mengatakan bahwa perubahan banyaknya gerakan berbanding langsung dengan gaya yang bekerja dan menurut garis kerja gaya tersebut. Selanjutnya Hukum Newton II mengatakan bahwa benda yang bergerak akan mendapat perlambatan. Hukum Newton III Mengatakan bahwa aksi sama besar dan berlawanan arah dengan reaksi. Artinya gaya yang dilaksanakan oleh dua benda terhadap sesamanya sama besar dan berlawanan arahnya.

Kamis, 16 September 2010


      Perhaps it was the character of Indonesian people, myth or mysticism into the long-awaited, watch, broadcast, allu finally ridiculed. You know why? Because this nation is adherent mitosisme. This nation is the nation myth. Compiled history textbooks in schools was a myth. Advice rulers also a myth. Statistical data the government made no myth. Moreover, a press statement the artist and the ruler. Same thing. All myths. It's hard to find things in the form of facts. Thus, the television programs received high ratings were also occasions myth. Starting the show ghost-hantuan, infotainment, sinetron religi "full blood" until tacky soap opera soap opera-full of myths and never mengumbar facts. After all, who always called myths not facts, right? Haha ...
But this is different. You can figure that out as they pleased you, whether this is myth or fact. This is not about ghosts, sundel perforated, or sexual problems. It's about Ramadan!

1. Fasting makes hungry
If you are not hungry while fasting, fasting means you doubt. Will no longer have described how its mechanisms. You are already past the phase of Physiology lecture that "scary" it should have been understood. So, obviously this is not a myth. It's a fact!
But there's a difference. When fasting we are able to refrain from eating and drinking, although hungry and thirsty. Different if you did not fast. You will soon find sellers of food and drink to satisfy hunger and thirst. Why? This is the miracle of faith! If you have a strong will and determined, whatever will be done. And will be far more meaningful and trace in hearts, if the intention to do something is to achieve pleasure and divine love. Double effect, said the toothpaste ad. Two-in-one, said a shampoo commercial. The next world will be obtained. In addition to fulfilling obligations and draw closer to the Almighty, fasting is also healthy. "Fast when you, then you will be healthy," said Messenger. And, indeed, fasting is healthy. Since many diseases originated from the gastrointestinal tract, fasting helps maintain a healthy diet.
Islam did cover all aspects of life and always in line with the science right?

2. Once you are able, you will be able to forever
If you consider this myth, you are a coward. This is a mechanism adaptation and consistency. Once you are able to do something, you will be able to carry it forever. Do not think, college or heavy work will make you weak and unable to move up in the month of fasting. Instead of weak minds, skeptical of fasting was the one who made you incapable of doing anything.
The key is in the power of the will. "If you Can Dream it, you can do it," said Export bag. If you open the thousands of motivational books, the books would have said something similar. If you are perfectly capable of learning, achieving what you want in other areas, why you can not do it when fasting? Ask why? Come on, you only need to think that you can!

3. Ruling will cancel the meal after fasting
The answer is a resounding yes! Your fasting will be canceled if you eat after Shubuh (Shubuh right after the Ruling). Haha ... So, this is not a myth. It's a fact. But, if you eat after a Ruling, but not yet overdue shubuh, your fasting is not void. Because you are not fasting. Fasting was calculated from the time of dawn (which is marked by adzan shubuh time) until the sinking sun (marked with adzan maghrib). So, the rules. So, yes, do not eat after shubuh, unless you did not fast.

4. Anger and tears will cancel fasting
Arifin Ilham pity if the cry broke the fast. Pity also the lecturers who have recalcitrant students because it is often angry.
This is clearly a myth! Upset and crying does not invalidate the fast. It's just a myth fabricated parents for the children so as not to fuss and cry and hold on during the daytime. "Beware of tablets, if crying, fasting null and void." Anger does not cancel any of fasting. Only, will reduce the value of fasting itself. Because the essence of fasting is to restrain yourself. Not just from eating and drinking, but also restrain the passions, emotions, and other upheavals. Prophet also said, "Do not get mad, do not get mad, do not be angry," three times. If unchecked, immediately ablutions. But, what if it be mad? If it violates sharia, yes ... you just scolded instead will be rewarded for it.

5. Too much to eat when breaking the fast, make a sleepy time tarawih
Indeed, the fasting stomach is empty from early morning until late afternoon. Too much eating will make the stomach "shocked" and had to work hard again after eating. Not only fast, if not too fast and you eat too much, you will feel sleepy. Because it is centralized blood flow to the digestive process.
It's a fact! So, do not be too much to eat when breaking the fast. Enough to block the stomach only. Messenger of breaking even with only a date and a glass of water. Ramadan is not revenge! It's not time to eat as they pleased. Precisely the value of fasting itself, ie to refrain from lusts, should mark, despite not break the fast. Hold ... Do not eat too much. Umar ibn Khattab also give advice, "Whoever left the greeting that is not necessary, he would be given wisdom. Whoever left the visions that do not need, he's given kekhusyu'an in the liver. Whoever left the excessive eating, he was given the pleasure enjoyment aan worship. Whoever left the excessive laughter, he will be given the authority ... "
You are still confused with the myths and facts of Ramadan? Now do not need anymore. Now it's time to prepare their best. Time to worship. Capricorn is time better person. Welcome to fast! 

Kamis, 09 September 2010

Fact of Ramadhan

This blog is dedicated to those who wish / want / need to read it !!!!!

Why do people want to fast on?
Maybe that question rarely to be questioned by people.
Some say that if the habit of fasting already small, or told by their parents.
it's all wrong ato lie.
the answer is, people in the fasting iftar because there is, if we do not have iftar there are people who would not be fasting.

hehehehe it's just a kiding. :-)